Book Your Appointment

Select an option to book an appointment with Dr Silberstein

(Click to find out about the locations Dr Silberstein works in)

Dr Silberstein Clinic Consultations are located in Hampstead Garden Suburb, London, providing high quality care for infants. Book your appointment for breastfeeding support, tongue tie assessment & treatment.  In person follow-up appointments can also be booked.

Common Reasons for Appointment:

  • Difficulty with Latch and Positioning
  • Sore, Cracked, Bleeding Nipples
  • Breast Pain, Nipple Blister
  • Baby Slow weight gain
  • Baby Fussy, Gassy, Food intolerance, Allergy, Reflux
  • Breastfeeding after Breast Reduction, Augmentation, Biopsy or Surgery
  • Tongue / lip tie assessment and frenotomy
  • Low milk supply
  • Oversupply, engorgement or clogged/plugged milk ducts
  • Breast and nipple infections
  • Feeding of twins/multiples/ Premature babies
  • Pump fitting and/or returning to work
  • Inducing lactation for adoption or Relactation

*Most Popular*

Book a virtual consultation to discuss Low milk supply, Relactation, and breastfeeding assessment (face-to-face preferred).

For ongoing low milk supply issues, we recommend our ‘support package.’

Induced lactation may require multiple appointments. Your initial virtual consultation payment can be applied to the full fee if you choose the ‘support package’ option.

**Existing Patients Only** Weekly drop-in clinic at the Dr. Silberstein Clinic. Every Wednesday morning at 10.30am -12pm for expert breastfeeding support. For just £20, you can receive brief guidance and general assistance to address your breastfeeding concerns. Maximum of 7 families per session, book your spot in advance. Please note that this drop-in clinic does not include in-depth consultations or tongue tie assessments.

Payment is taken at time of booking, Dr Silberstein is happy to discuss payment options in strict confidence.  She is able to work with you to make a payment plan.  Dr Silberstein will not turn away a client due to inability to pay the full price. Please contact her before booking in this instance.


Dr Silberstein reserves the right to charge the full fee in cases of non-attendance to booked appointments. Cancellations mean that other families who could have had this slot have to wait longer.  If you cancel your appointment within 24 hours of the booked time, no refunds will be given and if you haven’t already paid you will be invoiced the full cost of the consultation, payable within 7 days. In the unlikely event of you needing to cancel within 48 hours of your appointment time, a £20 admin charge will be charged, and the remaining balance refunded to you.  If you need to cancel up to 48 hours before your appointment time, a £10 admin charge will be charged, and the remaining balance refunded to you.


Breastfeeding Doctor Ltd is committed to providing a safe, comfortable environment where the patients and staff can be confident that best practice is being followed at all times and the safety of everyone is of paramount importance.

All patients are entitled to have a chaperone present for any consultation, examination or procedure. The chaperone may be a relative, friend or member of staff.

In some circumstances, the doctor may require a chaperone to be present.

If you would like a chaperone to be present, please tell the doctor before the start of the consultation.

If, during the consultation, an examination is required, the doctor will offer to provide a chaperone for this purpose. If the patient declines the offer of a chaperone, this will be recorded in the patient’s medical records.

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